On 21 Apr 2022, at 15:55, Alexandre Takacs wrote:

I’am having an issue by which MM (5887) would very often (but not systematically) show my mailboxes in threaded view when I click to switch from one to an other mailbox.

The previous state (almost always not threaded) is not preserved and I almost aways end up into threaded view (never the other way round).

This is likely related to the general (unfortunately known and long standing) issues with storing/restoring mailbox related states. The “fix” is to reset this and start over with configuring columns/threading using this Terminal command (quit MailMate before doing this):

   defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates

Is there a way to set the default view and /or to have MM not loose the current setting ?

For threading specifically, some users would like to disable everywhere all the time. For this purpose, there's a stop-gap solution using this preference:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmForcedThreadingType -string "flatThreading"

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