On 2 Sep 2022, at 20:41, Bill Cole wrote:

Another MacOS tool that I like a lot for client-side message store wrangling is (not free) Emailchemy: https://weirdkid.com/emailchemy/

To elaborate on Bill's suggestion, Emailchemy can eliminate the need to upload your old mail to your new email host while keeping the old mail accessible to Mailmate for searches integrated between your old and new accounts.

Specifically, Emailchemy is both an email archiver and a local IMAP server. After you archive mail to Emailchemy, you can turn on its IMAP server so that it looks like another email account to Mailmate.

You might also consider archiving your oldest email without uploading it to an IMAP server. You may be surprised that you don’t refer to that old email as much as you thought you would! MailArchiver X and EagleFiler would be my top recommendations for archiving old mail into a searchable database.

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