
Got it. Thanks for that. I saw your screen shot and attempted to duplicate it here with a change from what I assume is a default sound (SoSumi). It works fine with mail incoming to the Inbox. However will a change effected in the setting cause a change in the sound?

Is seems not. When I change to “Glass” break sound. The inbox sound does NOT change. If you want to see the screen shot (which I opened and closed several times to be sure it sticks) [Here’s the screen shot]( on a Dropbox link.

I changed the sound only as an example, to see if it works. Any idea why the previous Sosumi sound remain with this “Glass” selection?


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 13 Sep 2022, at 23:03, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2022-09-13 at 21:22:48 UTC-0400 (Wed, 14 Sep 2022 01:22:48 +0000)
Henry Seiden <>
is rumored to have said:

Yes. Those show where the counter icon is to be located, and is labeled as such in the menu, SFAIK. Nothing to do with sound, right?

No, not right.

Each of the 4 radio buttons on the icon on the left side selects a distinct set of Counter settings on the right side. Each of the 4 Counters specifies a single mailbox, a selected type of message being counted, and the notification mechanisms, including what sound to play when the count changes.

That Preferences pane has been confusing MM users for a decade. I understand why Benny did it that way, as it makes sense from a coding point of view. I don't have any brilliant ideas for a different way to present the functionality that isn't mystifying.

Bill Cole or
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