Henry Seiden wrote (at 11:02 AM on Monday, October 24, 2022):


Trying the same in my version 5922.

Embedding in the body of an email does seem to show in my HTML version preview… How do you see it?
Mircea Cărtărescu.

I did it by turning on the international character set of Romania. Unfortunately, this is inconvenient. Don’t see any easy way around it. Non-slavic languages may be different. Copy/paste doesn’t work in my set up, even with Markdown enabled.

You're attempting to answer a different question than was asked. My question concerned MailMate's rendering of incoming messages, NOT about any message I'm trying to send. The issue was correctly responded to by Pete Resnick about 45 minutes ago.


John Cooper wrote (at 10:57 PM on Saturday, October 22, 2022):

I subscribe to a newsletter that often includes proper names from non-English languages. When I use Mailmate to view a recent newsletter, I see the following:


When I view the raw message, I see this:


And when I view the same message in Apple Mail, I see this -- which is clearly what the writer intended me to see.


Is there some setting I can tweak to get MailMate to display these characters as intended?

The message in question contains the following line:

```Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1```

This seems as if it should be enough to prompt MailMate to display it correctly. The MailMate documentation says: "MailMate can handle almost any kind of character encoding when receiving emails. This includes numerous workarounds for wrongly encoded emails."

I'll submit this as a bug in the Issue Tracker. I'm using build 5918.

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