On Fri 2022-10-28 02:31 PM MDT -0600, <richard.tever...@gmail.com>
Hello all,
I’m a devoted if new Mailmate user. My university IT department is
just this week telling me that gmail workspaces for education is only
allowing the following apps to act as email clients:
Does anyone else know anything about this? Mailmate stopped working on
Monday for my work email with this error:
20:27:00 Error: Server response: “A1 NO [ALERT] IMAP access is
disabled for this mail client for your domain. Please contact your
domain administrator for questions about this feature. (Failure)”.
Command attempted: “A1 AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2
20:27:00 Error: OAUTH2 error is
Mailmate still works with my personal email, and Apple mail with my
work email. I would be very sad if google has just exiled Mailmate for
seemingly no reason.
FWIW, Mailmate still works fine with two gmail accounts for me: one
managed by the organization I work for and another managed by the
university that hosts us. So if Mailmate no longer works with your
university account, I think that may be a decision made by the
university IT department rather than by google.
I certainly hope so, anyway. If my two gmail accounts stop working with
Mailmate, I'm going to be really unhappy about it. But so far, no
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