On 6 Nov 2022, at 2:47, leo wrote:
I just checked whether there’s a new release of MailMate.
I am on Rev 5853 which is from last year; there is a beta release 5926
out which is from this year.
Technically, that's a test release. The current beta is r5918. There are
3 types of releases: Public, beta, and test. Only public and beta are
automatically detected/downloaded.
However when I check for „Normal releases“ MailMate tells me that
I am even my version from 2021 is still _ahead_ of the Normal
The most recent public release is r5673.
Why is MailMate very actively developed, but there are non new stable
Short answer: I very much prefer to spend time developing MailMate.
Long and not very useful answer:
That's a very good question, but I don't really have a good answer. I'm
to blame for this (as with all things related to MailMate). The starting
point was major changes to the message view of MailMate which then
cascaded into other parts of MailMate eventually making it very hard to
make updates which would not break existing features for some users.
In general, I think the delay of public releases is mainly caused by how
I generally (and not intentionally) prioritize my time:
1. Develop MailMate (fun).
2. Handle feedback about IMAP/SMTP server issues (not fun).
3. Handle feedback related to macOS updates (can be fun but surprisingly
time consuming).
4. Answer/handle feedback about MailMate (somewhat fun).
5. Keep homepage/server/store up to date (rarely fun).
6. Make new public releases (rarely fun).
7. Market MailMate (never fun).
8. Make money (necessary).
Somehow there's always a few more things which need to be done before
making a public release. That said, I will of course do my best to get a
new public release out soon (r5673 is ridicously old), but at the same
time I will also have to think about how to develop MailMate going
forward (which includes how to make money). History shows that I much
prefer incremental updates which rules out making money on major
upgrades. (Note: I'm extremely happy for the support of the MailMate
patrons without which MailMate would definitely no longer be developed
at all.)
Note that there's no universally right or wrong way to do these things
since any approach will have to be what works for me.
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