Hi Christian

Can report that I don’t have this problem in 5933 (the latest ‘pre-beta’) and that this version seems perfectly stable to me (at least, for my setup - 5 mail sources, on Ventura, M2 Mac).

To upgrade go to preferences -> software update and hold down the option key when pressing ‘check now’

If this doesn’t work then my suggestion is delete mailmate (taking care to save things like keystroke customisations, signature plist files etc) and reinstall. The archive email list has lots of advice on how to do this safely.

Simon Kaplan
+61 411 511 122

“Succass is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” (Winston Churchill)

On 23 Dec 2022, at 6:14, Christian Bailey via mailmate wrote:

All my mailboxes, including Inboxes are now permanently treated as "Sent Items”. They all show a “To” column, which I’m unable to disable. “Revert to default columns” is greyed out.

I already tried quitting and running in Terminal:
defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates

I tried deleting the Test release and rolling back to the Beta (r5918).

I had been seeing more and more problems with default columns not being honored (e.g., always reset in Smart Folders, always reset in search views). But now this latest issue has made MailMate totally unusable.

Since rolling back to the Beta, I’m also experiencing MailMate hanging for ~10seconds every time I compose a new message or reply to one.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Thank you!

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