On 12 Jan 2023, at 2:52, Glenn Parker wrote:

> I think “it’s a feature, not a bug”, as they say.

Well, then that's an awful non-intuitive feature, reducing productivity and 
annoying me many times per day.

> I recall seeing a comment about this in release notes, and it made sense.

No, it doesn't.

> The attachment files that MailMate creates in its local cache are read-only. 
> One should *not* be editing those files.

I don't and I don't plan to do that.

> Dragging the file (I didn’t even realize that worked) must be copying the 
> cached file exactly, including the newly restrictive permissions.

Why *must* it be copied that way?

When I drag the file to another location, I clearly say: *I want to work with 
that file at this place.* I don't need any software that tries to think for me 
or protect me from doing what I want.

At least, this super annoying feature should be an option, like: *Keep 
read-only flag to reduce my productivity*

> To get a copy to work on, just click on the handy “download” button right 
> next to the filename instead, which will make an editable copy.

Unfortunately, that *download button* doesn't know where I want to put that 
file. So it goes to the download folder, and I need to pick it from there, move 
it around, etc.

That's violating the only relevant KPI in any application: *number of clicks to 

Benny, please revert this ASAP or make it optional. This has the potential to 
move away from MM because this is really driving me nuts.

Viele Grüsse. Robert

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