Glenn Parker wrote (at 3:55 PM on Monday, January 23, 2023):

> Editing these color values using “defaults” will be trickier but the gist of 
> it is, in a terminal window:
>     defaults read com.freron.MailMate MmCounters2 > counters.txt
>     ### Quit the MailMate app.
>     ### Edit counters.txt to tweak only the color values.
>     defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmCounters2 “`cat counters.txt`”
>     ### Restart the MailMate app.
> Note the finicky quotation marks: back-ticks nested inside double quotes. 
> This is necessary because the “defaults” command has no option to read a 
> value from stdin. I verified that this works for this particular case, but if 
> you mess up, you could trash your MailMate preferences. Proceed at your own 
> risk.

But why bother with counters.txt and stdout and stdin? I would suggest quitting 
MailMate, making a copy of ~/Library/Preferences/com.freron.MailMate.plist, 
editing the copy directly in a reliable text editor such as BBEdit, making the 
change, and replacing the original preferences file with the edited duplicate, 
saving the original file somewhere else until the edited file proves correct.

Good work uncovering the counter color specifications, and for so clearly 
explain the alpha value, which would have mystified me, for one.
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