On 8 May 2023, at 17:12, Malcolm Fitzgerald wrote:

I've just been reading the docs about delayed send.

From what I can see, the intention is to have a default delay that allows us to interrupt the delivery of mail within a short timeframe. Very good. And a control click on the menubar allows the option to "Send Now" regardless of the default settings. Also good.

It is a shame that this is a hidden setting. Many email are sent in haste. Having the ability to easily find a suitable balance between speed and caution would be great. Especially as SEND NOW is an optional override.

I think there is a lot of value in this feature and I'd like to see it upgraded to a preference dialog item.

I wasn't aware that MM had this option. Back in the Mac Eudora days, it had an option to make the default behavior "send now" or "queue" (and would change what the button said depending). Queue added the message to the outbound queue, which was sent at the next scheduled mail check. In my case, this was every 15 minutes, so I usually had 5-15 minutes after queuing a message to rethink it. Probably every couple of weeks there was a message where I realized after clicking "queue" that I wanted to reword something, or that I'd written something incorrect.

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