Quinn Comendant via mailmate wrote (at 2:40 PM on Sunday, October 1, 2023):

When I check for a new test build, I get this message:

5937 is the latest version available. You have version 5964.

How did I end up on a version newer than the latest test version?

It’s awkwardly worded. Aside from that, are you sure you receive this message when you check for a test build? I only get it when I press “Check Now” in the General settings *without* holding the Option key down (or select “Check for Update” in the MailMate menu). The message is underneath a larger headline that says “You are Using a Prerelease.” What the message should say is something like “5937 is the latest official version. You have prerelease version 5964.”

When I check for a test release by holding the Option key down, I get the message “You are runnin 5964 which is the latest version available” under the headline “Up To Date.”

Henry Seiden wrote (at 6:30 AM on Monday, October 2, 2023):

Each version has a version history available in the app when loaded.

Where is this version history? I can’t find it in the app or in the archive.
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