I’ve just noticed the following:

„alt/cmd“ dragging an eMail from Mail to BusyCal creates a ToDo with an URL to 
this eMail - i.e. works like it should.

„alt/cmd“ dragging an eMail from MM to BusyCal creates a ToDo with a file 
attachment that then get’s not saved but disappears after a few seconds.

Why doesn’t MM behave like Apple Mail?

Thanks for your "input"

> Am 04.11.2023 um 21:12 schrieb Federico Guzzoni TO <fguzz...@t-online.de>:
> Hello,
> I still have the problem that I cannot create a ToDo in BusyCal from a 
> MailMate eMail. 
> Both program versions are the newest ones.
> I suppose the BusyCal PlugIns are obsolete.
> Am I the only one here using both programs?
> Thanks for your feedback
> Federico

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