Looks like Benny addressed this issue in the newly available r5999 version of MM, available at http://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/.

You can preview the release notes here: https://updates.mailmate-app.com/release_notes_archive/MailMate_r5999.html

Seems to be working for me on my 2019 Intel MBP running Sonoma 14.1.1. Still, it goes without saying that the usual caveats apply with these early test builds.


On 9 Nov 2023, at 10:10, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

I think I'm seeing something similar. If there's a message selected in the header pane, and I right-click on a different message to perform some action (e.g. marking the message as junk), that action gets applied to the first selected message, NOT the one I right-clicked on.

I'm running r5998, and this one issue has me considering downgrading to the last "Benny-approved" test release.


On 9 Nov 2023, at 9:50, Dan Romanchik wrote:

Here’s another weird problem that’s started to occur after installing 5997. My configuration includes:

  - 2017 iMac with 3 GHz with Intel i5 quad-core processor
  - Ventura 13.6
  - MailMate 1.14 (5997)
  - SpamSieve 3.0.1

When I move a message to junk, MailMate highlights the next message, but if I hit the Delete key, it actually deletes the previous message.


**Dan Romanchik  |  Technology Writer and Blogger**
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