
Well, OK. But if you’d like to know I found what had happened to cause the crash, I think. I had retitled the “Inbox” folder to “All Inboxes”.

That causes crashes as far back as r5997. The rename is allowed, but for some reason the next time the inboxes are clicked, boom! The crash occurs. Since, I simply reloaded my previous settings and all seems to work OK in r5997.

I worked around the issue by reinstalling from a previous save the .plist settings (identities, Mailboxes, Signatures, Sources and Submission) in ~/Users/Library/Application Support/Mailboxes. And I backed down the version to 5997 so the sending email sounds seem to work again.

However, cannot gather the logs even when Activity Viewer is open, so the log you requested is NOT attached.

Don’t know why this occurs, but remember seeing before (I”m on 5997 now). Should I try 6002 to see if that behaves differently?


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 26 Nov 2023, at 10:44, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 26 Nov 2023, at 13:02, Henry Seiden wrote:

I was reverting back to the above version after a problem with the latest version (experimental) 6002 when I started getting complete crashes of the application. Reverting back to this version seemed to fix it. Then the crashes started again. Noversion will load now. Wondering if replacing the MailMate (com.freron.mailmate) cache folder in Library>Caches or removing it completely is the way to restore the app start up without fully removing all of the app and its settings.

Removing the cache folder will most likely not help, but it's possible to not start completely over, that is, to keep all settings.

First, send me a crash report using “Help > Send Feedback“ and I'll see if it's something I can quickly fix at my end.

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