
On my version of MM (v6030), if I control-click in the Source Folder for my IMAP account, I get a pop-up window for that folder which shows “Synchronization Schedule.” There is a selection length from 5 minutes upwards in length to “Manually”. So, seems like 5 minutes is the shortest sync time where MM checks for new mail.

Does this answer your question?


Henry Seiden
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Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 26 Apr 2024, at 5:11, leo wrote:

Hello fellow MailMaters

Is there a way to increase the pooling of a IMAP subfolder from 5 minutes to, say, 1 min or 30 sec?


More and more online services go passwordless, but for this they need an one-time-code which many send to you in an email.

Via Sieve (on the mail server) I sort my emails into folders. This happens before arrival of the message in the mail client, so the mail client (i.e. MailMate) needs to check the specific folders. However MailMate polls folders only every 5 minutes.

Is there a way to increase the pooling to, say, 1 min or 30 sec for some specific folders?
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