* to correct this:
200k uniq subdomains
based on a few hundreds of domains

On 10/13/2016 01:41 PM, Stefan Haunß wrote:
> seeing the same here.
> .xyz domains went from almost zero to more than 200k uniq domains per
> day. therefore no more ransomware right now...
> the question is what's behind those domains? i didn't have the time to
> analyze it, yet.
> Cheers,
> Stefan
> On 10/13/2016 01:12 PM, Benoit Panizzon wrote:
>> Hello
>> Since about one week I notice higher load on my spamtraps.
>> http://blacklist.woody.ch/rbltop.php
>> Aeh, yes, nearly exclusively .xyz domains hitting my spamtraps at the
>> moment.
>> Anyone else noticing this? Worth notifying the registrar? Has anyone a
>> good contact to nic.xyz?
>> -Benoît Panizzon-
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