On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:21:45 -0600, Ryan Harris via mailop said:

> It might be helpful to understand why people want to post on email forums
> rather than an abuse desk. Is it to gain public attention on the matter? Is
> there a bit of shaming going on and the reporter wants the community to
> know they are fed up with the ESP? Are people reporting on public forums
> b/c they want to know if others are experiencing the same problem?

Posting the spam itself on forums is pretty much pointless.

On the other hand, having a forum where you can ask "Are the guys who
are supposed to be dealing with ab...@robot-penguins.xyz merely clueless
or actively rogue?" or "Does anybody have a contact at helium-filled-cows.com?"
does have value....

Cue somebody saying "in 2017, being clueless *IS* actively rogue" in 5..4..3 :)

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