It is being actively discussed internally.
That’s all I can say at this point.

Michael J Wise
Microsoft Corporation| Spam Analysis
"Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed."
Got the Junk Mail Reporting 
Tool<> ?

From: mailop [] On Behalf Of Annalivia Ford
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 7:57 AM
To: Benjamin BILLON <>
Subject: Re: [mailop] Weird problems with mitigation at Hotmail/Outlook

Hi Benjamin

Im seeing some weird stuff too - a customer who hosts his email domain on O365, 
sent a few hundred thousand tests on our IP to his own domain, no hotmail or 
outlook addresses involved, and yet the test mailings show up on SNDS and his 
IP reputation is thrashed. The irony is he sends mail on behalf of an MS 
product. Im not really sure where to go with this from here, as our insisting 
tickets are being ignored.

The law of unintended consequences?


Annalivia Ford
Email Services Manager, EMEA
[IBM Cognitive Engagement | Watson Marketing | Watson Commerce | Watson 

[IBM Watson]

Phone: +31 (0)6 53 32 34 44

[Inactive hide details for Benjamin BILLON ---17/01/2018 02:01:20---Hi, A 
reputation has to be evaluated on the long term of cou]Benjamin BILLON 
---17/01/2018 02:01:20---Hi, A reputation has to be evaluated on the long term 
of course, however the older the "action" was,

From: Benjamin BILLON <<>>
To: Michael Wise 
<<>>, Michael Wise 
via mailop <<>>
Date: 17/01/2018 02:01
Subject: Re: [mailop] Weird problems with mitigation at Hotmail/Outlook
Sent by: "mailop" <<>>



A reputation has to be evaluated on the long term of course, however the older 
the "action" was, the less importance it should have.

Another tricky part of "reputation", that we witnessed recently with Microsoft 
particularly, is that there are "links" created along with the reputation.
We know that Gmail takes into account a lot of things, not just headers, and 
keywords, and domain names, and IP addresses, and behavior of users, but also 
interactions between those, and other stuff.
We guess Microsoft does something similar.
So these "links" could be tricky, as we recently had Brazilian clients moving 
out to another ESP. They had dedicated IPs. We forbid them to send crap (that 
might be a reason why the left), but now they're free again, so crap it is.
The dedicated IPs, not sending anything anymore, have been blocked, as noticed 
in SNDS.
We suspect that because they are using the same domain name now with the new 
provider, than they did with us previously, and that now they are spamming from 
totally unrelated IPs, our IPs have been impacted. The fortunate part is that 
there's nothing going out of these IPs, because if we immediately re-attributed 
them to another client, maybe this client would have issues, and we would be 
investigating what he was doing wrong while it could be not his fault at all.

Maybe that could be solved after a few insistent tickets to the support.


From: mailop [] On Behalf Of Michael Wise via 
Sent: Friday, 12 January, 2018 06:17
'Edgaras | SENDER' <<>>
Cc:<>; 'Tim Starr' 
Subject: Re: [mailop] Weird problems with mitigation at Hotmail/Outlook

Our reputation system has a *LONG* memory.
And I'm sure it's not alone.

Michael J Wise
Microsoft Corporation| Spam Analysis
"Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed."
Got the Junk Mail Reporting 

From: Paul Julian [] On Behalf Of<>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 1:45 PM
To: Michael Wise 
<<>>; 'Edgaras | 
SENDER' <<>>
Cc:<>; 'Tim Starr' 
Subject: RE: [mailop] Weird problems with mitigation at Hotmail/Outlook

Hi Michael,

Is there a reason why unused or newly allocated blocks seem to be automatically 
blocked for Outlook/Hotmail ?
We were recently allocated a new /22 for customers and every one of the 
customers who uses their own mailserver is getting blocked by MS, no spamming 
no history just blocked.
I realise that some systems work on reputation, but how can you get a good 
reputation if you can’t send the email in the first place ?

Is there some reason why whole blocks are just blocked by MS ? this seems to be 
the case with us.
What can network operators do to alleviate this problem for our customers ?
The customers look to us for a resolution as their provider, but apart from 
request that an address gets unblocked there is nothing more we can do, and 
unfortunately they don’t see it that way.
It’s unreasonable for us to think that we have to put in 1024 requests to get 
IP’s unblocked, which would all be rejected for mitigation initially, then you 
have to reply to the email and request again to have a chance of it being 
unblocked, that seems to be about a 50% hit rate for us.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this issue in a more efficient way would really 
be greatly appreciated.


From: Michael Wise []
Sent: Friday, 12 January 2018 6:31 AM
To: Edgaras | SENDER; Paul Julian
Cc:<>; Tim Starr
Subject: RE: [mailop] Weird problems with mitigation at Hotmail/Outlook

"Pre-emptive Accommodation" is, I believe, the correct term.
And yes, it does help if it's before traffic actually starts.

Glad it got unblocked.

Michael J Wise
Microsoft Corporation| Spam Analysis
"Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed."
Got the Junk Mail Reporting 

From: mailop [] On Behalf Of Edgaras | SENDER
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 12:18 AM
To: Paul Julian <<>>
Cc:<>; Tim Starr 
<<>>; Edgaras | SENDER 
Subject: Re: [mailop] Weird problems with mitigation at Hotmail/Outlook

Update: after submitting the form for the 3rd time, it seems that the IP got 
unblocked at last.

By the way, asking for "new IP space" form did not work.

[Image removed by sender. Sender]

Edgaras Vaitkevičius<>
+370 627 60923

On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 2:01 AM, Paul Julian 
<<>> wrote:
We have had the same problems with Microsoft for some time now with a new block 
we have, every IP is getting blocked for no reason, they say they have 
unblocked them and they still treat received emails from those IP’s as spam. 
They won’t unblock the whole subnet either.

Not sure what else you can do, and the problem is the customer sees it as your 
problem when it’s Microsoft being over sensitive or something.


From: mailop 
[<>] On Behalf 
Of Tim Starr
Sent: Thursday, 11 January 2018 10:42 AM
To: Edgaras | SENDER
Subject: Re: [mailop] Weird problems with mitigation at Hotmail/Outlook

We've been having the same experience for months now. Not always, but way too 


On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 4:29 AM, Edgaras | SENDER 
<<>> wrote:

2 days ago one of our IPs started getting an AS3150 block when sending to 
Which is very weird, as complaint rate and bounce rate are way below what 
Outlook publishes as their official requirements.

After submitting their delivery support form, we get the automatic email saying 
that the IP has been mitigated: "Our investigation has determined that the 
above IP(s) qualify for mitigation. The block has been lifted, and the IP(s) 
have been granted increased daily sending limits."

However, the IP still stays blocked! After replying to that email, we get a 
copy-paste reply from support saying that "As previously stated, 
your IP(s) do not qualify for mitigation at this time."


Alright, we repeat the process the next day, with the same results - initial 
email says that the IP has been mitigated, that doesn't work and the IP is 
still blocked, and support says that the IP is not eligible for 

Asking to escalate to T3 did nothing.

Has someone else experienced this? What to do in this situation?

P.S. if anyone from Outlook/Hotmail are here, here is the ticket number: 
SRX1410467394ID. I would greatly appreciate any help or insight into this.

[Image removed by sender. Sender]

Edgaras Vaitkevičius<>
+370 627 60923<tel:+370%20627%2060923>

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