Looks like he got the message and is going to retire things a bit more
gracefully. He let me know that he's going to hand it off to someone
respected to help. Great news there.

I suppose that first thing I saw could have possibly not been malware?
It sure looked malware-like, though. Pushy auto-download attempt, big
full-screen insistence that I install it. Multiple redirects and
landing domain serving this was not recognized. (I suppose it could
have been some sort of CDN domain but I work with them enough that I
figured I would recognize that.) I don't assume that the registrar's
parking page would try to intentionally infect people, but perhaps it
had an ad from an ad network that bad guys snuck in to. Or perhaps it
was a legit Flash installer and their methodology and communication of
that was just garbage.


On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:00 AM, Rob McEwen <r...@invaluement.com> wrote:
> On 5/30/2018 2:26 PM, Al Iverson via mailop wrote:
>> If you see there's a way to renew / fix it cheaply, I'm all ears.
> Al,
> If I'm not mistaken, the domain is still in the "grace period" where the
> original owner still has the option to renew it, correct? If so, please
> contact the owner and let him/her know that I might be willing to buy this
> domain name from them? If they're willing and the price isn't too high -
> unfortunately, my budget for this isn't extremely large - but at least the
> owner would get something out of this! And I'd make the shutdown extremely
> more smooth/graceful.
> Thanks!
> --
> Rob McEwen
> https://www.invaluement.com

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