On 10/06/2018 3:16 AM, Stefano Bagnara wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Jun 2018 at 17:36, Andrew C Aitchison <and...@aitchison.me.uk> 
> wrote:
>> I'm curious.
>> If a domain has no MX record, do all servers deliver to an AAAA record,
>> as required by (at least) RFC3974,

You'd expect, No MX record, no mail delivery.  MX is related to
hostname, not the transport stack.

If an MX record exists, a sending MTAs will deliver to the resolved
hostname with the first MX priority.  That may be a host that only
resolves a AAAA record (ie, has no 'A' record for that hostname).  You
can run an IPv6 only MTA as your first priority receiver.  For sender
MTAs who only have IPv4 connectivity, you would need to operate a dual
stack receiving MTA, on your second priority.

Works a treat.

> For sure any server without Ipv6 connectivity won't go to AAAA and
> Ipv6 connectivity is not mandatory.

Its time operators took IPv6 as mandatory - its not 2005 anymore.  IPv6
is well down the road.

IPv6 / DNSSEC / DANE TLS SMTP (TLSA) .. these should all be considered
mandatory to any decent operator in 2018.


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