Hey Brian,

On 01.06.19 12:17, Brian Kantor via mailop wrote:
> For the past several months, one of the mailboxes on one of my
> servers has been getting messages, mostly in Chinese character sets
> that I can't decipher, short little messages from various senders
> with FROM addresses like 123456...@qq.com.  At least a thousand a
> day, sometimes as many as 2500 or more in one 24-hour period.

"Tencent QQ, also known as QQ, is an instant messaging software service
developed by the Chinese tech giant Tencent."

In China people prefer digits over letters. To a native English-speaker,
remembering a long string of digits might seem harder than memorizing a
word - but that’s if you understand the word. So for many Chinese,
numbers are easier to remember than Latin characters...

Sometimes these are also homophones - similar sounding. Like 1688.com is
pronounced “yow-leeyoh-ba-ba" - alibaba.com.

I'd guess someone is abusing the system - perhaps similar to all the
Skype requests people get / got a while ago?

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

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