Dnia 23.01.2020 o godz. 21:24:31 John Gateley via mailop pisze:
> I have run my own mail server for about 20 years.
> It is postfix, and has DNS, SPF and DKIM set up correctly.
> It is very small, just serving mail for my wife and I.
> She recently sent email to a group of students for a class she is
> teaching, she had
> e-mailed none of them before. Most of them had gmail addresses, and most, if
> not all, had my wife's e-mail sent to junk.

Looks like it's more and more common behaviour of Google (and other "big"
email providers) towards small independent senders. I also suffered the very
same issue some time ago - I extensively wrote about it on this list.

The only difference is I was sending messages to individual recipients, not
to 19 persons at once :) But they ended up in recipients' spam folder

I have a bad news for you. Many people on this list will try to convince you
that this is "normal" and "expected" and this is your fault that your
messages don't get through - maybe you have your server hosted at a "bad"
ISP or something like this :( Or your server has no "good reputation" as a
sender (and there is no way to build up a "good reputation" if you don't
send at least hundreds of messages per day). Big players have dominated the
email world and try to impose their own rules...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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