On 2/7/20 6:31 PM, Brandon Long via mailop wrote:

On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 4:07 PM Philip Paeps via mailop <mailop@mailop.org <mailto:mailop@mailop.org>> wrote:


    On 2020-02-07 15:51:22 (-0800), Philip Paeps wrote:

        On 2020-02-07 14:32:50 (-0800), Stuart Henderson wrote:

            On 2020/02/07 13:41, Philip Paeps via mailop wrote:

                I think the only viable solution will be to set up

            Or pass it through a proxy which knows how to authenticate.
            I'm not
            aware of any that have been written yet but it shouldn't be
            too complex.

        I just spent an instructive half hour in a web browser trying to
        jump through the hoops to set this up. Before you can create a
        "token", you need to create a "credential". In order to create
        that you need a "project". And then you need a "application
        consent screen".

        All of this to fetch email unattended.

        This is the very definition of "user hostile".

        And reportedly, the "tokens" can expire. So supposedly, this
        needs to be done regularly?

    Furthermore: this only fixes /retrieving/ email (and then only IMAP,
    because it doesn't seem to work for POP3). Presumably similar hoops
    need to be jumped to send email through smtp.gmail.com
    <http://smtp.gmail.com>. What fun!

Note you should be able to use the same project and client id/secret for smtp and pop/imap.  You might be able to use the same token if you ask for the scopes for both.

I know it's annoying.  See the previous long thread on why passwords are bad, as for restricting access to your mailbox, there was the excitement from 2018: https://www.androidauthority.com/gmail-snooping-882270/ which lead to Google being a lot more paranoid about third party access https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/g-suite/elevating-user-trust-in-our-api-ecosystems .

The hoops you're jumping through aren't for users, they're for developers... and they're only the first steps, you then need to get approval <https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/9110914?hl=en&ref_topic=3473162> from Google to expand beyond 100 users.  Many open source projects have decided to punt on that, and so they require their users to get their own client tokens.  I understand, I made the same choice when I added oauth support to mutt last year.

For users just using the most popular mail apps, using oauth instead of password auth is at least as easy.

We worked hard to make sure Gmail supported open standards for access by third parties, and not locking our services down or locking people in... and then others took advantage of our users, and that's why we can't have nice things.  Access is still possible, the process is still mostly standards based (automated discovery of oauth endpoints and client registration is the missing part)... but there are a lot more hoops.

Thank you for sharing this perspective, Brandon. It helps us understand the "why". It sounds like Microsoft and Google are acting hand-in-hand to force industry-wide changes since they've gobbled up the market they've also aggregated most of the credential abuse.

I'm skeptical that app-specific passwords were a major part of the credential abuse problem, but I don't have data to challenge it.

I may be able to force some of our system integrators through "a lot more hoops", but I think that for the remaining system integration use cases I'll need to shop around for a smaller mailbox provider that is willing to commit to supporting basic auth (along with necessary security controls to mitigate against credential abuse) for the medium term future.

Jesse Thompson

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