On 24/03/2020 15:10, Chris via mailop wrote:
On 2020-03-24 06:36, Steve Freegard via mailop wrote:

I have great respect for you, but I didn't spend a considerable amount of development time without actually being absolutely certain about what I was doing.  Your experience is not relevant because you do not have experience with equivalent traps to these - I know this for certain because I would have come across them, this also proves it:

{ auth_method: 'PLAIN',
auth_password: 'g3tt0ugh!',
auth_username: '<REDACTED>',
source_ip: ''

With respect, Steve, you have no idea what we're doing with traps.

That's mostly true, but for this particular scenario of where I am getting this AUTH data from - I would absolutely know because it would be almost statistically impossible for me not to spot this at the scale we both handle data.   For example - I know that IBM X-Force is also doing something similar to me because I've observed them doing it as this is something that I regularly check.

I fail to see how a single sample proves anything.  If it did, I'd disprove your proof with something I just plucked out:


Sure - that's a totally useless password and I'm happy to report I haven't seen that particular username, but without an IP - it's a bit meaningless as I can't tell you if we're seeing traffic on it or not.

However I could go and pull a bunch of other IPs from this collection method that the CBL also does not see - I'm just trying to convey that you're making a lot of (incorrect) assumptions about the usefulness of data that, based upon evidence, you don't appear to have.

That's all.

Kind regards,

Steve Freegard
Senior Product Owner
Abusix Intelligence

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