Good morning email friends, I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.  
We’ve noticed over the last 36 hours or so slower than normal delivery to Yahoo 
and AOL.  There are no deferment errors (or any notable errors) and no unusual 
bounces, or complaints just much slower dissipation of the Yahoo and AOL queues 
where they normally flow pretty smoothly (especially @aol mail).  Just 
wondering if others are seeing something similar.  Not sure if the sheer volume 
of email from everyone being stuck at home is contributing to it either just 
wondering what others are seeing.  I know that Verizon made their announcement 
about VTO a few days back so not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Thanks and be well everyone,


Michael E. Weisel
CTO / Deliverability Lead
Gold Lasso
(301) 990-9857 Corporate
(240) 813-0174 Direct Dial

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