On 02/06/2020 12:12, Silver Asu via mailop wrote:
Is there any chance to get IMAP/SMTP/POP3 server settings autodiscover to work with modern desktop and mobile Outlook clients?

_autodiscover._tcp SRV record with autodiscover/autodiscover.xml seems not to work anymore.

I wrote up an answer on ServerFault [1] recently and also an Ansible role [2] which I hope covers most of the possibilities.

tl;dr - start with ensuring you've got RFC 6186 records setup. If your mail clients don't pick up settings from that, take a closer look at the other auto setup methods.


[1] https://serverfault.com/questions/935192/how-to-setup-auto-configure-email-for-android-mail-app-on-your-server/1018406#1018406

[2] https://github.com/AndrewCRichards/Ansible_Role_email_auto_client_setup

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