On 16 Oct 2020, at 13:51, Larry Struckmeyer via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> 
> Using Outlook thru O365 attempts to reply to a message in this list result in 
> the reply being addressed to the address of the person being replied to and 
> not the list. 
> What is the correct way to reply to a message on this list?

Mailman munges the From: on emails from senders with a restrictive DMARC or SPF 
policy (using the from_is_list setting).

Basically, if you post from a domain with a restrictive sender policy, the 
original From: is set to the mailing list and the original sender address is 
placed in Reply-To:

To reply to the list, use “reply all” and if you like, move the mailing list 
address from Cc: to To:.


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