Am 13.11.2020 15:31, schrieb Tonya Gordon via mailop:
Good morning! Does anyone have any insight into the following question
we received  from a customer?

“If we're using a wildcard SSL cert across multiple
sending/bounce/tracking domain configurations, will ISPs then
associate those configs together and thereby begin to cross-pollinate
their email reputations similar to how they would if, say, we shared a
single bounce domain across multiple sending domains?”


This is entirely up to the recipient ISPs - if they see a significant advantage in using such info to categorize mails as wanted and unwanted, they might possibly do it. Especially when the identity of the sending organization is questionable due to anonymizing services (registrars, hosters, DNS servers) using such information might enable an ISP to determine that spam mails received from different domains are likely traceable to a common sender. However, I haven't seen actual examples of such a policy, and given the typical policies implemented at ISPs, I consider it pretty unlikely. Maybe I should implement it in my own policy daemon :-)

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