On 24 Dec 2020, at 15:22, Markus Krieger via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> i'm writing on behalf of the rC3 infodesk of this years Chaos
> Comminication Congress.

Welcome to the list.


> Has someone on the list a contact at Microsoft / outlook.com to
> whitelist the following IPs/Domains?

Before anyone else chimes in (and I’m not an emplyee or representative of MS, 
but I’ve been on this list long enough to see this be asked over an over 
again): have you followed the link in the error message, which takes you to a 
page containing this link?


You *must* raise a ticket. You’ll get no traction without one. And when the 
inevitable response is “not eligibile for mitigation”, you need to reply to 
escalate the issue.


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