On 07.07.21 22:08, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:
> Start by including the IP(s) you are discussing ;)

mx-out-01.fh-muenster.de []
mx-out-02.fh-muenster.de []

> Compromised accounts are indeed the bane of the responsible
> administrator, and as you can see.. the rate limiting systems ARE
> essential, you are unlikely to suffer a reputation issue, if only a few
> escape (unless they have REALLY bad content, your mail server should not
> be processing).

Absolutely. That's why we had rate limits in place for different
markers: mailcounts each by sender address, authenticated user and
client in different time frames. So far this had worked fine.

So that other can learn from our mistake: Someone whitelisted the
internal Exchange systems from the clients, because they kept triggering
the limits, believing they'd get caught by the other markers which they
did not.

> Encourage transparent 2FA, and options like country auth restrictions,
> blocking AUTH from cloud providers/hosting companies known for being a
> haven for those types of attacks, (should make a blog post on best
> practices for authentication on email servers one day) but..

Please do :) - I have actually thought about limiting AUTH to local
networks, because we have VPN available for all clients - which would
add another level. But that requires some effort from the "customers"
and of course was not well received. It could also be circumvented after
a user's credentials were phished.

> As you correctly noted, yes.. cleaning up your reputation and getting
> off blacklists IS the punishment for not being pro-active on issues like
> that. It isn't the blacklist operators fault after all ;)

I fully agree. And I've added another self-flagellation by posting here ;)

> Most blacklists and reputation services are pretty understanding, if you
> clearly communicate, and your email server is for the most part
> professionally operated. And remember, be kind to them, they aren't your
> enemy, and they probably get more than their fair of yelling and
> screaming..

I'd never do anything like that. Especially since it's our fault and I
have been doing this long enough to appreciate their work - after all
they are my own line of defense too.

> Now, having said that.. it is ALWAYS best to follow the posted
> procedures for asking for removal, but if it does NOT fix things in say
> 48 hours (hard to wait when you have screaming customers I know) then
> their are good people on this list and others that can help you, as long
> as you show that you already following their SOP for removal.

I was able to switch over to other outgoing servers for now, so the
customers have extinguished their torches (most of them didn't even notice).

I am just confused on how to fix the reputation of those two boxes by
sending emails without being able to send emails.

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
University of Applied Sciences
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83-64908
Fax: +49 251 83-64910

E-Mail: b...@fh-muenster.de

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