P.S.  These two notes from Jonathan Mayer are appended to the 
https://privacystudy.cs.princeton.edu/ site;  the newest is from yesterday.

Note from Jonathan Mayer, the Principal Investigator (Saturday, December 18 @ 

Hi, my name is Jonathan Mayer. I’m the Principal Investigator for this academic 
research study. I have carefully read every single message sent to our research 
team, and I am dismayed that the emails in our study came across as security 
risks or legal threats. The intent of our study was to understand privacy 
practices, not to create a burden on website operators, email system operators, 
or privacy professionals. I sincerely apologize. I am the senior researcher, 
and the responsibility is mine.

The touchstone of my academic and government career, for over a decade, has 
been respecting and empowering users. That’s why I study topics like web 
tracking, dark patterns, and broadband availability, and that’s why I launched 
this study on privacy rights. I aim to be beyond reproach in my research 
methods, both out of principle and because my work often involves critiquing 
powerful companies and government agencies. In this instance, I fell short of 
that standard. I take your feedback to heart, and here is what I am doing about 

First, our team will not send any new automated inquiries for this study. We 
suspended sending on December 15, and that is permanent.

Second, our team is prioritizing a possible one-time follow-up email to 
recipients, identifying the academic study and recommending that they disregard 
the prior email. If that is feasible, and if experts in the email operator 
community agree with the proposal, we will send the follow-up emails as 
expeditiously as possible.

Third, I will use the lessons learned from this experience to write and post a 
formal research ethics case study, explaining in detail what we did, why we did 
it, what we learned, and how researchers should approach similar studies in the 
future. I will teach that case study in coursework, and I will encourage 
academic colleagues to do the same. While I cannot turn back the clock on this 
study, I can help ensure that the next generation of technology policy 
researchers learns from it.

Fourth, I will engage with the communities that have contacted me about this 
study, which have already offered valuable suggestions for future directions to 
simplify, standardize, and enhance transparency for GDPR and CCPA data rights 
processes. I very much appreciate the earnest outreach so far, and I will be 

If you have questions or concerns about the study, please do not hesitate to 
reach out. I gratefully acknowledge the feedback that we have received.

Thank you for reading, and again, my sincere apologies.

Update from Jonathan Mayer, the Principal Investigator (Tuesday, December 21 @ 

Thank you to the website operators, email system operators, privacy 
professionals, academic colleagues, and all others who have reached out about 
our privacy rights study. I am writing to provide an update about how we are 
acting on the feedback that we have received.

Our top priority has been issuing a one-time follow-up message that identifies 
our study and that recommends disregarding prior email. We are sending those 

We have also received consistent feedback encouraging us to promptly discard 
responses to study email. We agree, and we will delete all response data on 
December 31, 2021.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with further questions or concerns, and I 
again offer my heartfelt apologies for the burdens caused by this study.
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