Dňa 27. marca 2022 4:48:06 UTC používateľ Mike via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>The question would be, in my mind, why would not yahoo not seem to care
>if mail is not delivered to its customers?

IMO, it is really simple. First ask yourself, who is interested in
email delivery? Sender or recipient?

While it can depends, in most cases (email marketing, etc) it is a
sender. But sender is not Yahoo's customer, your brother is, but until
you will notice he by another channel, he have no chance to know, that
he didn't get that email, then he cannot complain.

Yahoo didn't received complain, its customer do not know about missing
email, all seems OK. The only not satisfied are you, but (again) you
aren't yahoo's customer, thus still all is OK (from their point of

The only way which i can imagine is, that your brother (its customer)
will complain, but i can guess the response which he will get (if any),
especially if he is free service user...



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