Hi Omid,

If you are specifically looking to reduce domain related typos on user input, 
then you can use a project such as 
Typofinder<https://github.com/nccgroup/typofinder>. They also have a commercial 

Alternatively, you could also look at implementing an address validation 
services. Most will do the same thing (and more) but will already have it 
wrapped up in an API for you to call. Validation can be a sketchy industry, 
EmailHippo<https://www.emailhippo.com/> and Kickbox<https://kickbox.com/> are 
examples of two legitimate players.


From: mailop <mailop-boun...@mailop.org> On Behalf Of Omid Majdi via mailop
Sent: Wednesday 25 May 2022 20:00
To: mailop_at_mailop.org_o...@duck.com <mailop@mailop.org>
Subject: [mailop] Help with identifying invalid email domains

Hey all,

I'm looking to see if anyone has compiled any lists of invalid email domains? 
Examples of such would be typo domains and/or domains that accept all 
local-part addresses such as gmai.com, gmail.co, googlemai.com, or proton.com. 
If there's any resources someone could share for known invalid domains that 
would be incredibly helpful.

Omid Majdi
Product Lead
DuckDuckGo, Inc.
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