~a year ago I registered a (by then) unregistered look-alike domain for a major 
European hoster, as I was receiving rather good spear-phishing from it, and it 
was, well, unregistered. (The domain is hetzners.de ). 

I setup DMARC p=reject and SPF -all, and let it be. Now, the domain keeps 
sitting around; Thing is, that dereg would most likely lead to more spam 
falling out of the domain again (or it being actually registered by some 
spammer), which is rather not so nice to the Internet as a whole. The hoster is 
not interested in receiving it from me (free of charge etc.; Offered to just 
send them the authcode). 

Now, what can I ethically do with the domain? I would kind of prefer it going 
to some org. that actually makes an effort in drying out domains used like 
this; Does somebody have a suggestion/contact whom to ask?

With best regards,

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