On 10/21/22 04:13, Kai 'wusel' Siering via mailop wrote:
Am 21.10.22 um 00:33 schrieb Graeme Fowler via mailop:
No. There will be no changes to the Exim default configuration

So sad. It's up to the packagers then to fix the shit that hits the fan.

Being a packager for exim, I can tell you that this has probably not the slightest chance of occurring. A packagers "job" is not to modify the default config to express his political views, but to make the least amount of modifications to make it work on the OS/platform they are packaging it to.

I don't like what t-online does as it hurts interoperability, but banning a specific company/individual in a _default_ configuration is not the way to go.

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