> You have to validate each domain you use for sending, which is a
> modest pain, but that's one of the reasons their mail stream is
> pretty clean.

Do you mean AWS SES specifically? They're consistently #4 by volume
in our dataset (occasionally even #3, rarely #5), next only to
SendGrid, ExactTarget and Mailchimp.

In February we had close to 6000 separate domains sending from
AWS SES to our spamtraps.

The corresponding number is more than 15,500 for SendGrid, less than
5500 for ExactTarget, and close to 15,000 for Mailchimp (closer to
16,000 when you take into account the fact that the senders with
freemail From's are not one, but many).

Atro Tossavainen, Founder, Partner
Koli-Lõks OÜ (reg. no. 12815457, VAT ID EE101811635)
Tallinn, Estonia
tel. +372-5883-4269, http://www.koliloks.eu/
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