Am 19.06.23 um 06:36 schrieb Klaus Ethgen via mailop:
I have some update..

Greylisting was not the problem I had/have with microsoft.
Your original mail sounded a little different. However, upon re-reading it is possible that you activated greylisting in response to the previous perceived attacks (this might be a foreign language subtleties issue, we both don't have english as our primary language).
Due to
ongoing attacks (especially also from big clouds like microsoft) I have
a limit of 10 connections per IP and hour. That seems not enough for
microsoft to deliver 1 or 2 mails per days relyable.
Ok, so you're doing something that you didn't mention before. 10 connections per IP and hour is a bad idea if you want to receive mail.

What a shity provider!

I'm inclined to repeat what I said before: If your setup breaks mail consistently, it's likely your setup that's to blame. Others seem to be able to receive Outlook mail just fine. Microsoft didn't ask you to implement an arbitrary connection rate limit, blaming them for your inability to receive mails from their customers isn't really appropriate. There are enough actual faults Microsoft can be blamed for :-)


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