> On 21.08.2023 at 17:57 Slavko via mailop wrote:
> Dňa 21. augusta 2023 7:44:45 UTC používateľ Alessandro Vesely via mailop 
> <mailop@mailop.org> napísal:
>> It is also possible to set:
>>     DKIM-Signature: ... d=sub.example.org
> Yes, that i used, and that is what i want to avoid -- to maintain separate
> DKIM record/key for any subdomain.

You probably know this, but I’ll mention it nonetheless for other readers: You 
can create CNAME entries for your subdomains or other domains which point to a 
DKIM key. Then you can sign all of the domains with the same key and only 
maintain the keys for your given main domain.

BR Oliver


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