On 06.10.2023 at 20:19 Bernardo Reino via mailop wrote:

>> On Fri, 6 Oct 2023, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop wrote:
>> I trust that you are applying RFC 7489 section 7.1. where appropriate.
>> If the domain for dmarc reports is not the same as the requesting
>> domain, you must check that the report domain is willing to accept these 
>> reports.

>This is unrelated, but yes, I believe DMARC considers that when deciding 
>when/whom to send the reports.
> In this case,

> $ dig +short TXT _dmarc.github.com
> "v=DMARC1; p=reject; pct=100; rua=mailto:dm...@github.com";

> so reports for "github.com" are sent to a @github.com address, so it's not an 
> "external destination" in the sense of RFC7489 [*]
> It just so happens that the MX for github.com is google, but that should not 
> have any impact -- aside from the fact that google seems to apply 
> "organizational settings" or policies that effectively prevent the report 
> from being delivered, but whether this is google's fault or (in this case) 
> github's is something that I, as a sender, cannot know..
> [*] for an example of a big server not doing this (i.e. not publishing the 
> proper records) see gmx.net, where e.g. gmx.net says that reports should go 
> to dmarcrep...@gmx.net, but the corresponding _report._dmarc TXT record is 
> nowhere to be found.

Agreed, except that gmx.net does publish _report records. Not for gmx.net 
itself, but this is not an external domain, so no _report record is necessary.
Other than that broken DMARC setups seem somewhat common among SMB. Outright 
rejections as in the case of github.com are at least simple to handle. Worse 
are receivers who stuff the DMARC reports into ticketing systems or whatever 
and then come after you with multiple emails about ticket creation, survey 
requests and reminders.

BR Oliver

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