Dňa 24. októbra 2023 8:44:49 UTC používateľ Christof Meerwald via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:
>On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 12:17:30PM +0800, Philip Paeps via mailop wrote:

>> crt.sh provides a handy service you can poll.
>> They provide JSON output.
>They also provide an Atom feed you can use with your favourite
>RSS/Atom feed reader.

If someone is interested with my experience...

I abandon the idea of running own certspotter, it consumes
significant bandwitch and CPU, i was using older version (run
from cron), every its run saturated my 100 Mb/s link for ~10 min
(+ more at lower speed) and tooks more than 40 min (on 4 core
J3455) to finish, thus pointles to run it more often than hourly. I
am not willing to use more powerfull machine (nor dedicated
one) for it.

Then i took look on crt.sh RSS. It is better idea for my setup
(small amount of domains), pooling it every hour will provide
near the same result as certspotter, with mutch less bandwitch
& CPU (as it provides way to exclude precerts & expired). I tried
to parse it with python (feedparser lib) without any problem, i
was only surprised, that one have to parse cert (included in
feed entry) to get details as validity time or CN/SAN (especially
the CN/SAN are not in entry title).

The only downside (which i see), is that RSS URL doesn't provide
Last-Modified nor ETag headers, thus no way to check without
download (and parse), but download size is pretty small, thus
it is not important.

IMO it must be pretty simple to setup certbot hook, to be able
to exclude self issued certs and alert on any other, i will play
with that to get something as dedicated feed reader/alerter.


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