
On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 03:53:10PM +0100, Raymond Dijkxhoorn via mailop wrote:
> > Bill wrote:
> > If sending lots of mail to weakly engaged corespondents is your core
> > business, COI is not likely to be worthwhile in cold hard cash vs. what
> > I call "good faith single opt-in"


> Most organisations will reconsider after beeing blocked a few times due to
> non COI

But not the likes of SendGrid, Mailgun, Mailjet, … which also makes
making the argument much more difficult since

a) the prospective client can always go to the above and send to
   their contact lists obtained by dubious methods so why even have
   the conversation with you?

b) your management knows (a) so how will you ever get permission to
   even take this stand?

COI is right and proper, no argument from me, but the willingness of
bad actors to ignore what is right and proper makes it very hard for
anyone in the same industry to do what is right and proper.

The argument only works when you as the ESP are a small company and
there's enough other business, so as a tiny general purpose hosting
company we don't want our IPs on blocklists of any kind and can
afford to contractually require COI. A small ESP on the other hand,
wants to grow up to be SendGrid so unless ideologically predisposed
I'm not sure they will value COI to the point that they'll send
clients to SendGrid over the lack of it.


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