Den 30-11-2023 kl. 09:36 skrev Giovanni Bechis via mailop:
I maintain an ESP rbl

Thank you for maintaining and providing that!

I looked around and didn't find much information about the operation of the RBL though.

So that raises a few questions from my end, such as:

- Is there any sort of usage / query restrictions on that RBL?

- Is it possible to download the data, either for a local mirror or even in order to assist with raising the quality of the public mirrors?

- Can you submit spam samples, or otherwise provide suggestions for inclusion?

- Are you the only person one adding "bad senders" to these RBL lists?

- What data is the "bad senders" based on? Spam sent to spam traps? Spam sent to your personal mailbox? ...?

- If you're under the impression there is one or more false positives, ... is there any way, you can report that?

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Arne Jensen

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