On 02.12.23 04:36, Randolf Richardson, Postmaster via mailop wrote:
        Some of my users have been reporting that eMail messages are getting
lost intermittently when they're sent to users at any internet domain
name that relies on OUTLOOK.COM for its MX.
In German universities Microsoft's mail services had the reputation of randomly swallowing individual emails like a black hole - never to be found again.

I haven't heard about issues like these for a while, but it was also difficult to recognize them in the past. Unless people expected an email, they didn't report them as lost.

Most mailops I talked to expected it to be a spamfilter issue: E-Mails that got too bad of a score for random reasons were just not delivered, not even into the spamfolder.

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 64 908
Fax: +49 251 83 64 910

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