On 19.12.2023 at 13:31 Mark Alley via mailop wrote:

> Hey all, recently saw this mail server SMTP vulnerability that popped up on a 
> blog yesterday. Sharing here for those interested.
> https://sec-consult.com/blog/detail/smtp-smuggling-spoofing-e-mails-worldwide/

Thanks for sharing, interesting read! I'd just appreciate it if such full 
disclosures would not accumulate shortly before christmas, although I 
understand that in this case they want to present their findings at CCC at the 
end of December.

Postfix is potentially vulnerable as for compatibility with broken clients it 
accepts <LF>.<LF> as an end-of-data command. Well, at least it did, Wietse has 
introduced a flag which fixes this kind of message smuggling:

> Protocol enforcement: with "smtpd_forbid_bare_newline =
> yes" (the default for Postfix 3.9), reply with "Error: bare
> <LF> received" and disconnect when an SMTP client sends a
> line ending in <LF>, violating the RFC 5321 requirement
> that lines must end in <CR><LF>. Files: mantools/postlink,
> proto/postconf.proto, global/mail_params.h, global/smtp_stream.c,
> global/smtp_stream.h, smtpd/smtpd.c.

It will be available in the next releases for the 3.5 to 3.9 versions, although 
the new flag will be disabled on all versions except 3.9 by default.

BR Oliver

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