On 1/24/24 22:09, Russell Clemings via mailop wrote:
I saw it a couple of weeks ago.
I wonder if what they meant by February 1st is that's when they would hit the 100% requirement and they are doing the 1% / 5% / 10% / 50% / 80% / 100% ramp up now.

Similar, a server reporting in via cron.


It was pretty easy to fix once I realized that I needed a separate SPF for each subdomain.
Ya. I'll end up creating very basic SPF records for each host. I guess I know what I'm working on over the next few days.

I had thought the record for the parent domain would cover it, but I guess I was the only person who thought that.

I used to think that a long time ago. But I don't remember when I stopped or what I ran into that caused me to stop.

Grant. . . .

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