Dňa 26. februára 2024 17:57:16 UTC používateľ John Levine via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>I'm not surprised that they aren't interested in complaints from
>senders. If the recipients don't care whether they get the mail, 
>there's no problem to be solved.

I understand, that any spammer can complain and it can be not
easy to distinguish spammer from real sender, but...

I feel that we are going in circle. Sender complains are ignored,
users can be (and IMO often are) not aware where to complain,
or even do not know that they didn't received something.

The only solution is to break the circle, but how? IMO people will
soon or latter realize, that email is unreliable and will stop to use
it at all. That is scenario already desribed in RFC 821 (in mean
of interoperability). Done, circle is gone, but it is really way, which
those providers (ignoring sender's complains) want? Perhaps they
do not care -- once one business is gone, they move to another...
And perhaps they only cannot realize, that they are not as smart
as they think.

The remaining question is: who won? IMO nobody, but we lost
one of most freedom remote communication channel...


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