On 12.03.24 23:09, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop wrote:
(which is mostly a template) suggests that TLS 1.0, 1.1 and DTLS 1.0 are "forcefully disabled" in the upcoming Ubuntu release
(due next month at a guess).
Apparently this is not new for openssl, but it is for gnutls.

Given that the advice for SMTP is often to allow tls 1.0 and 1.1,
rather than have it revert to unencrypted, this will is something to
watch out for.

Any info how exactly is this implemented?

E.g. on Debian since v10/buster, they were disabled via openssl.cnf:

MinProtocol = TLSv1.2

but it was possible to enable them. Iirc sendmail honored these settings, postfix hasn't.

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