On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 02:04:07PM -0500, Shyam wrote:
> Hi,
> In today's maintainers meeting I wanted to introduce what it would take us
> to move away from bugzilla to github. The details are in [1].

Unfortunately I could not join the meeting. Could you share the

From the document there are at least a few things missing:
 - what about http://bugs.cloud.gluster.org/ for tracking?
 - who is going to update the release-tools [2] scripts?
 - can we create trackers that are not for a release, but for certain
   features that gets partially implemented over releases?
 - email notifications like [3]?
 - rewrite of the bug triage procedures from [4]
 - we have many components in bugzilla, how is this done in GitHub?

> Further to this, below is a mail detailing the plan(s) and attention needed
> to make this happen. Further I am setting up a maintainer meet on Friday
> 10th Feb, 2017, to discuss this plan and also discuss,
> - Focus areas: ownership and responsibility
> - Backlog population into github
> Request that maintainers attend this, as without a quorum we *cannot* make
> this move. If you are unable to attend, the please let us know any feedback
> on these plans that we need to consider.
> Calendar and plans for moving away from bugzilla to gihub:
> 1) Arrive maintainer consensus on the move
>   - 15th Feb, 2017
>   - This would require understanding [1] and figuring out if all
> requirements are considered
>   - We will be discussing [1] in detail on the coming Friday.

Did this take place? If so, some more details and sharing of the chat
logs would be nice (or recording of the session?).

> 2) Announce plans to the larger development and user community for consensus
>   - Close consensus by 22nd Feb, 2017

Wow, that is pretty quick...

> 3) (request and) Work with Infra folks for worker ant like integration to
> github instead of bugzilla
>   - Date TBD (done in parallel from the beginning)
> <<Assuming we are able to get (3) done by 24th Feb>>
> 4) Announce migration plans to larger community, calling out a 2 week
> window, after which bugzilla will be closed (available for historical
> reasons), and gerrit will also not accept bug IDs for changes
>   - 27th Feb, 2017

We can not close bugzilla for all components. Some projects under the
GlusterFS Community project are maintained outside of the main glusterfs
repository. It is up to the maintainers of those projects to choose
where they wan t bugs reported. glusterfs-coreutils is one, and I'm
pretty sure there are others.

> 5) Close bugzilla and update gerrit as needed
>   - 10th Feb, 2017 weekend

This must be an incorrect date?

> 6) Go live on the weekend specified in (5)
> Shyam
> [1] http://bit.ly/2kIoFJf


[2] https://github.com/gluster/release-tools
[4] http://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Contributors-Guide/Bug-Triage/

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