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   - [Sorry Note] : Atin (conflicting meeting)
   - Kaleb, Nithya, Ravi, RaghuG (logging off in 20 min), Sunny, Amar,
   Deepshika, Shyam, Sunil, Aravinda, Xavi, Kaushal



   Gluster 4.0 - release:
   - GD2: Packaging
         - Fedora dependency handling. 4 done, few more in pipeline
         - Tarball on Thursday (2/22) - Should be possible
         - AI: [Kaushal] Update status on Monday to keep risks known
      - All good with release notes?
         - Individual owners to act upon perf section [raghug]
         - Need to start on GD2 [kshlm]
         - [RaghuG] Sent out the email
         - AI: [Shyam] Complete release notes for RC1, minor edits can come
         in the last week
         - AI: [Kaushal/Aravinda] Need GD2 release notes from the team, By
      - Testing done?
         - AI: [Shyam] RC1 based upgrade testing to be done
         - Awaiting perfomance testing results
         - Glusto has issues running with 4.0, so not happening for this
         - [Ravi] Rolling upgrade testing is working
         - [Kaleb] built Ganesha server/gfapi: basic stuff worked
      - Any risky components?
         - Tiering? (call this feature/xlator phases, can confuse wng
         feature :) )
         - Impact of cluster.force-migration on remove-brick operations, is
         a possible blocker
      - RC1 dates and blockers
         - Dates: ASAP to facilitate upgrade testing and packaging with GD2
         - Blockers:
            - (AFR + !MD5)
            - (Build without
               - Niels on PTO, someone should backport.
               - Topic on CentOS6 Server packages can be taken offline
                  - not offline, remember community; to the mailing list
                  perhap? --kaleb
               - GD2 package in Fedora and other distros

   Releases in future - A proposal:
   - Keep the time of the release predictable
      - No tieing of feature to a release
      - No more STM (ie, better to do the tiering in code than STM release)?
      - Every release is supported for 1 year (with backports for fixes etc)
      - Make release numbers move out from x.y.z to format ? (Or
      any other format too is fine)
      - Have 3 releases a year, 4 months apart
      — [Atin] I’d like to understand what’s the drawback with the current
      model which makes us to think on this direction?
      - [Shyam] Intention is not to break Backward compatibility
      - [Aravinda] Does it increase branches to backport to?
         - Remains as 3 (N, N-1, N-2)
      - [Ravi] So does this mean update releases do not happen?
         - No, update releases are still monthly, with exception updates
         *any-day* for critical fixes!
            - I would like to see the update releases go to a two month
            cadence if we’re going to keep maintaining three releases.
            (usual exception for critical fixes) --kaleb
         - [Sunil] How do we address major changes in a release to the
      community (for example things like GD2)
         - Release notes, is the manner of updating content in a release
         - *final* Milestone in github issue is another manner of finding
         out what went where
         - If issue is known, looking at it gives the release version as
            - Or use search terms to filter the issues
            - and, this remains the same as it is now!
         - Major changes need to be announced early and time to deprecate
         older way to do things should also be announced
      - [Aravinda] Date based versions can cause confusions
         - [Shyam] I am in favor of incremental release numbers like
         Fedora, instead of date/time.
      - AI: [Shyam] Announce changes to maintainers (today) -> By next
      Tuesday seek feedback from Users -> 2 weeks hence announce and change the
      web page to reflect new scheme (and other work in this regard)

Amar Tumballi (amarts)
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