"Maciej (Matchek) Bliziński" <mac...@opencsw.org> writes:

> 2013/9/7 Peter FELECAN <pfele...@opencsw.org>
>> IMHO, we need to find somebody to implement the automatic transition
>> from unstable to testing. Remember, we decided that the transition is
>> made when there is no blocking issue reported in our BTS after 2 weeks
>> from release time.
> Right. We might start moving in this direction. The database already
> stores the required information: when was each package inserted into
> which catalog. There is no REST API for it though. I'll see if I can
> add it.
> I'm also thinking that when we transition to the 2 week automatic
> package promotion, we'll come across a new failure scenario. For
> example, 2 co-dependent packages are uploaded, let's call them CSWfoo
> and CSWbar. A bug is discovered in CSWbar. A fixed version of CSWbar
> is uploaded a week later. But the timer on CSWfoo hasn't been reset,
> so CSWfoo gets promoted without the accompanying CSWbar. This causes
> CSWbar to be broken in the testing catalog.

Of course, the promotion of a package can be done only if all its
dependencies can be or are already promoted. This additional complexity is
the probable cause of it not being yet implemented.

> So far, I've tried to make the package promotion as simple as
> possible. Ideally, it was an equivalent of taking a snapshot of
> unstable and making it the testing catalog.

Oversimplification is its name.
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